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source code analyzer 功能强大的C/C++源代码分析软件 Celerity CRACK 破解版

睿丰德科技 专注RFID识别技术和条码识别技术与管理软件的集成项目。质量追溯系统、MES系统、金蝶与条码系统对接、用友与条码系统对接




    Celerity is a powerful application for analyzing C/C++ projects. It can process millions of source code lines. It supports standard C/C++ (and K&R style of sources as well). For each analyzed project, it produces a multifaceted cross-referenced database and shows the source files, include files, source and include files, indexes of lexical elements, index results, includes, include-by's, all macros, macros in a translation unit, all definitions, expandable definitions in a file, expandable definitions in a translation unit, references (function declarations and invocations), reference-by's, contents of per-directory definitions, construct hierarchy, diagnosis outputs, symbol searches, favorites, etc. Definitions and invocations could be expanded conveniently by just a single click. All these combined help a C/C++ developer to quickly read, review, understand, study and maintain a critical or large code base.
    It has a user-friendly interface with features like tabs, docking, auto-hiding, floating, drag and drop, etc. It allows the user to quickly locate each functional window and rearrange these windows in different layouts.
    It includes a versatile editor for text/hexadecimal files. Facilitative features include syntax styling, auto-indenting of new lines, auto-completion of words, and auto-formatting of the entire content for better readability than without format. It also dynamically shows cascaded tags in a file, which enables quicker understanding of file constructs than flat tags. File formats could be defined to specify how to handle directives, colors, styles, etc. FTP files are handled as local files.
    It includes a studio for multiple projects with commands dealing with each project or all projects. Strong multiple-file find & replace functions enable the user to do quick searches within the background.
    It has a differencing module which can perform multiple file-to-file or directory-to-directory comparisons in a background manner. Many commands are provided to show various aspects of the differences.
    Supported operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7. 

RFID,RFID仓储管理,RFID资产管理,RFID系统,RFID设备管理RFID资产管理,RFID仓库管理,RFID珠宝,RFID生产线,RFID手持机,RFID读写器,广州睿丰德 patch.rar 

RFID管理系统集成商 RFID中间件 条码系统中间层 物联网软件集成